Craig McLachalan

Craig’s Books in Japanese

Craig’s books in Japanese can be purchased from Shogakukan Publications here.

‘Nippon Judan Arukitabi’ details my experiences walking the length of Japan


‘Gaijin Natsu-henro’ is about my adventures walking around the 88 Temples of Shikoku Pilgrimage


‘Nippon Hyakumeizan Joji-nobori’ tells the story of Travis Taiaroa and I breaking the record for climbing Japan’s 100 Famous Mountains.


‘西国三十三か所 ガイジン 巡礼珍道中’
‘Saigoku San-ju-san-kassho Gaijin Junrei Chindochu’ relates my experiences with Paul Rausch journeying around Saigoku’s 33 Temples of Kannon pilgrimage.
